Run your blog with Ghost, Docker with Free SSL Certificate
In this blog post I'll show you how to set up your own blog just like mine with Ghost, Docker, Nginx and LetsEncrypt for HTTPS. You can follow these instructions to kick-start your own blog or find some alternative approaches in the conclusion.
When I decided to start my blog I knew that I wanted it to have a clean and uncluttered theme, no dependencies on an external relational database and that it should allow me to write in Markdown. Markdown is a kind of structured text for writing documentation which gets turned into HTML for viewing.
Before starting, What you need to build this set-up
A linux machine installed with Docker and Docker-compose
you can replicate this setup to any environments, whether it is VPS or Raspberry-pi or Home lab server
2. NGIX Proxy, you can follow below guide to set-up easy nginx proxy manager
Run the blog with Ghost and Docker
here we are setup the ghost with help of docker.
create directory under your /home
mkdir ghost
cd ghost
nano docker-compose.yml
You can copy paste below code to your machine, change below variables